If you pay alimony to your ex, you may be wondering about your options. For example, one of the most commonly asked questions is: “Can I stop paying alimony if my ex remarries?” Read on to learn the answer to that question and many others.
Common types of alimony?
In New York, there are different types of alimony. The type of alimony you pay will depend on a number of factors, like the length of your relationship, and so on. The most common forms of alimony include:
- Permanent alimony: This stays in effect indefinitely or unitil there is a change in a former spouse’s circumstances. It can be awarded based on the duration of the marriage. If the marriage lasts up to 15 years, alimony can be awarded for 15 to 30% of the duration. If it lasts between 16 and 20 years, the payments may be between 30 to 50% of the duration. Marriages that last 20 years or more can see between 35 to 50% of the duration.
- Rehabilitative alimony: This can be awarded to a dependent spouse when they put off their career to support their partner so that they can receive the education or training they need to get back into their field.
- Reimbursement alimony: This can reimburse a spouse if they financially support their partner while they are pursuing education or training.
Can I stop paying alimony if my ex remarries?
In New York, you can stop paying alimony if the dependent spouse remarries. Alimony can also be increased, decreased, extended, or terminated depending on the situation. However, it is important to note that you cannot stop paying alimony without permission from the court.
What if I don’t pay court-ordered alimony?
Refusing to pay court-ordered alimony can lead you in serious legal trouble. A New York court may enforce alimony in the following ways:
- Taking money directly from your wages
- Redirecting a tax refund
- Credit reporting
- Seizing property
- Suspending your driver’s license
- Denying a passport
- Taking money from a civil award, settlement, or lottery winnings
Our firm understands that alimony is a complex issue. If you have any questions or concerns about your alimony arrangement, our firm is here to help. Reach out today to discuss your options with an experienced and dedicated divorce attorney.
Matters of divorce and family law should be navigated with the guidance of an experienced attorney. If you need strong legal representation regarding matters of divorce, family law, and estate law, contact the Law Offices of Susan A. Kassel, P.C. to schedule a consultation today.