Three of the most common methods of divorce include mediation, arbitration, and litigation. Before deciding how to proceed when it comes to your divorce, it is important to understand the pros and cons of each process. Read on to learn more.
What is mediation?
One of the most common methods of divorce is mediation. This method allows both parties to engage in healthy negotiations surrounding the terms of their divorce. These negotiations often involve matters of child custody, child support, the division of assets, alimony, and more. These negotiations occur outside of the court and are guided by a neutral third party. Mediation is often faster, cheaper, and more private than other methods of divorce. However, it requires compromise and communication, as spouses must work together to make decisions that benefit both parties.
What is arbitration?
Like mediation, the arbitration process also involves a neutral third party. However, instead of mediating, this third party acts as a judge. The judge can make the final decisions regarding marital issues on behalf of the spouses. This process also takes place outside of the court.
What is litigation?
When a couple gets divorced through the process of litigation, a judge determines the matters of their divorce. Litigation takes place through the court. This process is especially helpful when spouses are ending their marriage on difficult terms and cannot work together or agree upon certain matters. However, litigation can be a long and expensive process. Additionally, it is important to know that matters settled in the court can become public record, meaning you may have less privacy than other options afford.
Working with the right attorney:
While it is important to choose the right method of divorce for your unique situation, it is also imperative to work with the right divorce attorney. Be sure to find an attorney that understands your needs and advocates for them. Additionally, an attorney can help you determine which divorce route to take, whether to file on fault grounds and more.
If you have any questions or concerns about the various methods of divorce available in New York, don’t hesitate to reach out. Our firm is here to advocate for you and walk you through the process every step of the way.
Matters of divorce and family law should be navigated with the guidance of an experienced attorney. If you need strong legal representation regarding matters of divorce, family law, and estate law, contact the Law Offices of Susan A. Kassel, P.C. to schedule a consultation today.