During the process of divorce, marital issues need to be resolved. These issues are vital to the official divorce of the couple. Once these issues are decided on, they can be claimed to be officially divorced. Sometimes decisions on marital issues are not easy. Couples may be highly emotional due to the breakdown of their marriage. They may even be worried about the outcome of these issues, especially if children are involved in the scenario. When a couple enters into an uncontested divorce, they can talk about these issues in mediation sessions and have the power to make decisions for themselves. In comparison, if they are unable to cooperate with one another, they can go to court where a judge will make decisions for them. Although this does not give them as much power, it may prove to be the only way that decisions are being made. During mediation, a mediator can only help so much. If the spouses are not committed to working together toward fair decisions, litigation may be the only way to get closure. A judge will consider many factors for each issue that relate to that issues and the effects it can have.
Can changes be made?
Marital issues are an important part of the divorce process that needs to be considered. These issues include the division of assets, alimony, child support and child custody arrangements. Whether these issues are spoken about during mediation or in litigation, they can be changed later on in the future to better fit the changing circumstances surrounding the spouses. No one knows what the future holds. That is why it is so important that changes be made to these issues. If a change in the future directly relates to a marital issue, it may be necessary to modify the agreement that was made for that marital issue. Spouses will continue with their lives separately from one another, leading to many changes that can affect the original agreements they made for marital issues. If a spouse decides to live with another significant other in the future, they may not be eligible to receive alimony payments anymore. Another example can be the relocation of a spouse, which may cause for a change to custody arrangements.
Matters of divorce and family law should be navigated with the guidance of an experienced attorney. If you need strong legal representation regarding matters of divorce, family law, and estate law, contact the Law Offices of Susan A. Kassel, P.C. to schedule a consultation today.