Married couples often join their lives in many ways, whether it may be through finances or children. This can make the process of divorce very difficult, as it is meant to separate this life they built together. This is why support payments may be required after a divorce. In some cases, the court may demand a spouse pay support to the other spouse. This can be support for them or for any children they have. This is known as spousal support and child support. Support payments exist to financially assist these parties until they can become independent on their own.
Spousal Support
When two people get married, they frequently combine their finances and assets. This often leaves families in situations of single incomes. This means that one spouse works and makes money while the other takes care of the home and any children they have. These situations often leave one spouse financially dependent on the other. When they divorce, this leaves the dependent spouse in an unfair financial state without an income of their own.
When this happens, the independent spouse may be required to pay support to the dependent spouse. This is known as spousal support or alimony. With these payments, the dependent spouse can continue their life without struggle and work towards becoming independent. The amount in alimony that a spouse may be required to pay in New York is dependent upon on the length of the marriage in addition to several actors relating to the spouses.
Child Support
Couples with children must settle child support during divorce proceedings. Custodial and non-custodial parents have different financial responsibilities after they divorce. A custodial parent must provide the child with clothes, food, a home, an education, and more. These expenses can become difficult for one parent to handle by themselves. This is why both parents must financially assist their child. The non-custodial parent must pay child support to the custodial parent to balance out the cost of living for the child. This ensures the child lives as normal as possible after the divorce.
Parents must make support payments to their child until they reach the age of emancipation. In New York, this age is generally 21 years old. While this is true, the age can change depending on the needs of a child and if they can financially support themselves. If the child is unable to support themselves, the court may extend these payments. To terminate these payments, a parent is required to petition the court for the emancipation of their child. If the court agrees, support payments can end.
Contact our Firm
Matters of divorce and family law should be navigated with the guidance of an experienced attorney. If you need strong legal representation regarding matters of divorce, family law, and estate law, contact the Law Offices of Susan A. Kassel, P.C. to schedule a consultation today.