In today’s society, many parents make the difficult sacrifice of putting their careers on hold to focus on caring for their families. As more and more families begin to structure their families around a stay-at-home parent model, many people wonder how stay-at-home parents can protect themselves during a divorce as they are often at a financial disadvantage. Please continue reading to learn how stay-at-home parents can protect themselves during a divorce. If you are a stay-at-home parent seeking a divorce, contact an adept Suffolk County Divorce & Separation Attorney who can help you navigate the complexities of the divorce process in New York.
What are the best ways a stay-at-home parent can prepare for a divorce?
Stay-at-home parents are faced with unique challenges when dissolving their marriage. That said, stay-at-home parents must prepare for the impending divorce proceeding as best they can to protect their rights and maximize their chances of achieving a favorable outcome. The best way that they can protect themselves is by retaining the legal services of an experienced divorce attorney. Divorce can be costly for stay-at-home parents who may not have the financial means to go through it alone, mainly because they are not the breadwinner. Fortunately, your attorney can assist you in exploring all the available options for ending your marriage.
Several cost-effective divorce routes can help you save money and time. If you and your former spouse can agree on the terms that will apply to the termination of your marriage, you can pursue an uncontested divorce. However, if you cannot reach a mutual agreement on the terms that will apply to the termination of your marriage, you can consider divorce mediation or a collaborative divorce. You can minimize the costs of your legal fees if you choose one of the above options, as contested divorces can cost way more than these alternative options for ending your marriage.
What else can I do?
Moreover, stay-at-home parents can prepare themselves for divorce by gathering their financial information. Stay-at-home parents may be in the dark about their household financial situation. However, this allows your spouse to hide assets to reach a more favorable division of assets. It will also give you a better understanding of what you may be entitled to pay or receive for child support and alimony.
Furthermore, you should make a list of all of your personal and family possessions. New York is an equitable distribution state. This means that marital property is divided fairly between spouses. However, that does not necessarily mean an even 50/50 split. Property division is up to the court’s discretion regarding what they believe is a fair division of a couple’s marital assets. Making an inventory of your marital and separate property will ensure that your personal property is not split and that you receive all you are entitled to from your marital assets.
If you are a stay-at-home parent and a divorce is imminent, contact a skilled Suffolk County divorce & separation attorney from The Law Offices of Susan A. Kassel, P.C., who will work tirelessly to represent your interests.