Divorces do not always take place in a courtroom through the process of litigation. There are alternative methods that spouses can participate in if they wish to do so. A common alternative is divorce mediation. Continue reading below to learn more and contact a New York divorce attorney for assistance with your divorce.
What is Mediation?
Spouses who are able to work together may benefit from going through mediation to settle their divorce. This method allows both parties to engage in healthy negotiations regarding the terms of their divorce. This can include matters such as child custody, child support, the division of assets, and alimony. These sessions are guided by an unbiased mediator whose job is to help spouses reach their own decisions, not to make decisions on their behalf.
Benefits of Mediation
There are a variety of benefits to divorce mediation, including the following:
- Control: Spouses have the liberty to make their decisions.
- Confidentiality: The information shared in mediation cannot be discussed with anyone else or used against either party.
- Speed: The length of mediation takes only as long as couples need to settle the issues they have to resolve.
- Cost: Mediation is a more cost-effective process than divorcing through trial.
- Choice: Mediation is voluntary, as spouses have the choice to participate.
- Family: Mediation allows for healthy conversations, which can benefit anyone that has family involved.
How Does Mediation End?
There are a few steps that must be taken so that the process of mediation can come to a close. When spouses are done settling the terms of their divorce, the mediator can draft a Memorandum of Understanding. This details the decisions they made. This will be given to each party’s attorney so they can create a Matrimonial Settlement Agreement. Once this is signed by both parties, the couple can go to court as an uncontested divorce and a judge can finalize the divorce.
Contact our Firm
Matters of divorce and family law should be navigated with the guidance of an experienced attorney. If you need strong legal representation regarding matters of divorce, family law, and estate law, contact the Law Offices of Susan A. Kassel, P.C. to schedule a consultation today.