Sometimes, getting through a divorce can feel like an uphill battle. But what makes matters worse is it you a getting a divorce from a narcissist. In this case, you may feel like you’re involved in constant conflict. But rest assured, there are ways you can get through this. Continue reading to understand how to deal with a narcissist during your divorce proceedings and how one of the experienced attorneys at our Suffolk County divorce firm, the Law Offices of Susan A. Kassel, P.C., can guide you down the right path.
What is a narcissist?
The definition of a narcissist is someone who is emotionally manipulative and thrives in environments of chaos. Other personality traits of a narcissist read as follows:
- They think very highly of themself.
- They constantly seek admiration.
- They believe others are inferior.
- They lack empathy for others.
If these traits can be attributable to your spouse, then your experience in court will, unfortunately, be much more difficult than anticipated.
In what ways can I get through a divorce from a narcissist?
Above all else, you must maintain your sanity when dealing with your narcissistic spouse. Otherwise, you will be giving into the control that they are seeking. Below is a list of ways in which you can hold your own when getting through your divorce:
- Practice acceptance: when divorcing a narcissist, remaining amicable is, unfortunately, not so possible. This is why you must accept your situation from early on so that you can focus your energy on getting your needs met.
- Educate yourself: though this may sound like a minor effort, reading books about how to deal with narcissists can help you better interact with your spouse so that you maintain control. In addition, talking to a therapist who is well-trained in high-conflict divorces can offer great advice.
- Do not show emotion: though your spouse wants a divorce, they will want to remain emotionally engaged with you so that they can continue to control you. This means that they will likely create drama to get your attention (i.e., send malicious messages, bad-mouth you to your child, make false claims against you in court, etc). It is important that you do not give them the satisfaction of getting a rise out of you. Instead, you must remain calm and disengage as soon as possible.
- Hire a skilled Suffolk County divorce & separation attorney: with your spouse enjoying chaos, they may prosper from the conflict that comes with litigation. This is why you need an attorney who is trained in navigating high-conflict divorces and will prevent your spouse from getting the upper hand. To avoid a lengthy, pricey, and emotionally draining divorce process, you must give our firm a call today.
If you need strong legal representation regarding matters of divorce, family law, and estate law, contact the Law Offices of Susan A. Kassel, P.C. to schedule a consultation today.